KHIST is now based at the Social Club


As previously announced, the KHIST board has recently concluded a mutually beneficial agreement with the Social Club by which the Trust now has use of the club’s premises. This is enabling us more easily to maintain contact with the local community, Harriers’ supporters and, particularly, our valued members.

We do not intend, in any way, to discourage our members from frequenting and using KHFC facilities, indeed to the contrary. For the Trust to make best advantage of the Social Club’s facilities, however, we are suggesting to KHIST members that they might also join us at our new base. The club provides a comfortable environment, where we can socialize, whilst enjoying quality beers at very competitive club prices and there are facilities for traditional pub games – Pool, Snooker, Darts, Dominoes and Crib. There’s also an extensive function room, which the Trust will now be able to use, from time to time, for KHIST events.

With the exception of organised functions, the club is open only to KHSSC members and their signed in guests but, annual membership is available, on application, for a nominal fee.

More information, including opening hours, membership fees and the bar tariff, can be found separately in the ‘Social Club’ section of this website.

The club is located to the rear of the Aggborough Stadium, at:-

Stadium Close, Kidderminster, DY10 1NB