KHIST relationship with KHFC

Several members have requested the KHIST board to confirm its attitude regarding negative statements directed at the Trust in recent online interviews and we are now pleased to clarify the present situation.

Supporters will understand our determination to remain positive and to avoid unnecessary confrontation, which achieves nothing. We are however, very pleased to be able to confirm having made, what appears to be, some real progress. Recent meetings with the football club have been held in a mutual effort to resolve our differences, and our board has taken the opportunity of raising members’ concerns at, what we consider to have been, unwelcome and unreasonable criticisms directed at KHIST and members of the Trust’s board. These remarks have, of course, not been very helpful to the genuine efforts being made ‘to build bridges’. However, we do believe that an air of positivity was achieved when, in November, we had a forthright but very friendly exchange of views with Harriers’ director, Dave Seddon and, have now agreed to arrange further such meetings, starting later in the month. We will continue to work closely with Dave to improve relations but consider our discussions to be best conducted privately and not in the public domain.

The true facts will be clarified, at an appropriate time, but, in the meantime, any KHIST members wishing to discuss concerns with the Trust’s board will be welcome to contact us at We have nothing to hide and will be happy to arrange private or group meetings.

We wish you all a happy and healthy New Year.