October Members’ Draw – the results.
The Draw was made by KHIST board member, Chris Wilson at 2.00pm today and was remotely scrutinised by Stuart Walstrom, The winners’ identities were later confirmed independently by Ian Nash.
This month’s winners are:
1st prize £230.00 – number 096 – Ian Blackband
2nd prize £ 70.00 – number 089 – Richard Calam
3rd prize £ 50.00 – number 022 – No winner *
*The holder of a winning number (022) did not make a payment into this month’s draw, so – in accordance with competition rules – the prize is to be rolled over to boost the prize pot for the next draw. This is currently planned for Saturday 21st November.
We are encouraging all of our members to consider supporting our efforts by taking part in this monthly draw. The Trust’s future ability to adequately represent your interests is much enhanced by our ability to secure a regular income and there’s always the potential need for urgent funding. We must be prepared !
A special Festive Draw is being arranged for Christmas.
To take part in forthcoming draws please go to the featured post on the home page of this website (www.khist.org.uk) and follow the links
…… Thank you !
KHIST is for the long-term and, with members support, we’ll be strong when it matters.