The KHIST Members’ Draw for April

An extract from recent KHIST board discussions:-

“We were very pleased with the success of the arrangements for the March draw, which were generally accepted as having been fairly scrutinised by our board members. We will now follow the same practice until we’re able to safely get back to deciding the winners in public”.

“The next draw will be held at about 2.00pm on Saturday, 25th April”.
(Note: there will, once again, be a guaranteed payout of £300.00)

“Social distancing will restrict a few participants from making their payments in good time to be included in the draw. We are suggesting to those who have not arranged regular payments from their banks to consider- at least in the short term whilst we have to contend with coronavirus, arranging a monthly standing order”.

“It’s important to our future ability to adequately represent the ongoing interests of our members that the Members’ Draw continues to grow, providing KHIST with a regular income. In these difficult times, there’s always the potential need for urgent funding and, we need to be as prepared as possible. We must therefore encourage many more members to take part”.

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