The Members’ Draw for April

It’s very apparent that the coronavirus problem is not going to go away in the next few weeks, so we are now making arrangements for the remote administration of the next draw.

We were very pleased with the success of the arrangements for the March draw, which went off without a hitch and was generally accepted as having been fairly scrutinised by KHIST board members with independent roles. We will, therefore continue to follow the same practice until we’re able to safely get back to deciding the winners in public.

The draw will be held at about 2.00pm on Saturday, 25th April, when Chris Wilson will again use a random number selection app, remotely observed by Stuart Walstrom. The winners will then be identified – again remotely – with our Treasurer, Dave Lewis.

KHIST is now able to guarantee a minimum prize-pot of £300.00

We are most grateful to Maureen Lewis, the winner of the 1st prize in March, who has donated £100.00 of her winnings to help us maintain attractive prizes, whilst the competition continues to gain in popularity and the number and values of prizes change in response to increased income.

Social distancing will restrict a few participants from making their payments in good time to be included in the draw. If you have not already arranged regular payments from your bank, can we suggest that, at least in the short term whilst we have to contend with coronavirus, you consider arranging a monthly standing order (we can quickly provide you with a mandate form, on request).

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