KHIST 20-20 Lottery – Summer 2017
It can sometimes be difficult for you to give your support to the lottery in the closed season, but there are several ways you can continue to take part in the Monthly Draw:-
- You can buy cash tickets from your usual agent/ ticket seller or from a KHIST board member
- If you can arrange to make monthly payments by Standing Order, this is the easiest way to take part. Simply return a completed mandate form to guarantee your entry.
N.B. If you choose this method, please do not set up the standing order yourself (We need to allocate draw/reference numbers for the Bank to quote on the payments, so that we can identify participants).
Use this link to print the Standing Order Mandate Form –
If you prefer, a form can also be obtained from any KHIST board member (email addresses are shown at )
The completed mandate should be returned by post to:- KHIST, c/o 35 King’s Road, Kidderminster, DY11 6YU.
- For those who prefer to purchase tickets on a less regular basis, you can buy a minimum of 5 numbers online by using this link
This facility is also particularly helpful for supporters who don’t live in Wyre Forest District.
You can purchase as many £1.00 tickets as you wish.
If you’re interested in becoming a lottery agent, you’ll be welcome to talk this through with any KHIST board member.