Members Donations

Those KHIST members who attended the AGM in September 2018 will recall our acknowledgement of the backing received from generous supporters who make regular payments to the Trust. This provoked a popular proposal from attendees that the Trust should provide a facility for these people, and others, to make regular mandate payments – a suggestion that was accepted by board members and recorded in the minutes.

Members believe that a significant sum can be raised over a period of time, if sufficient numbers will commit to making affordable donations on a regular basis (perhaps monthly?) and those in attendance were enthusiastic with their intended support of the proposal.


We very much hope that our adoption of this members’ proposal will prove to be a popular and affordable means for fans to support the Trust’s fundraising efforts and our ambitions for the longer-term future of our proud football club.

Any donations, however small, will be well received and will be either put towards specific projects or retained in prudent investment for future expenditure.

If you would like to make a regular monthly donation to KHIST please download the Standing Order Mandate and forward to your bank once completed.

Alternatively if you wish to make a single donation please visit our Online Shop