KHIST agreement with the Social Club
For some time now, the KHIST board has been negotiating with the Kidderminster Harriers Social & Supporters’ Club to allow us the use of their premises in Stadium Close, so that we can more easily maintain contact with the local community and, in particular, our members and other Harriers’ Supporters. The negotiations have been friendly and positive, and have now been concluded with a mutually beneficial agreement, which includes the following features:
- KHIST will now have its base/HQ at the Social Club.
- We will have the option, if required, to site the ‘KHIST membership/lottery table’ on the private car park for 1 or 2 hours on match days (N.B. Subject to ongoing negotiations between the Trust and the football club, we believe this may prove to be just a short term measure).
- Storage space for our 3 tables will be provided, if required.
- We will be able to have meetings in the small room, adjacent to the members’ lounge, when otherwise not in use.
- KHIST will continue to sell 2020 lottery tickets on KHSSC premises.
- KHSSC has been invited to have an agency for 2020 Lottery ticket sales from reception.
- There will be a prominent KHIST noticeboard in the club’s reception area.
- There will be a lockable letterbox installed in reception, for KHIST members to make contact with the board and, also a facility for members to collect replies etc. when reception is manned.
- KHIST will have use of the large function room for its own events and also for KHSSC/KHIST joint events.
- The social club will always retain bar takings during KHIST and KHSSC/KHIST events.
- The KHIST website will be utilized to promote the Social Club, it’s bar sales (particularly guest beers, tariffs etc.) and KHSSC social events.
- Where appropriate the Trust will consider the donation of items for use at social events.
It may take some time for all aspects of this Agreement to come to fruition but, with the mutual goodwill so far experienced, it can only benefit both parties.
For the Agreement to work to best advantage, it is essential that KHIST members are also encouraged to be members of the Social Club, Application forms are, therefore to be made available from our board members and agents, There will, of course, be a small, annual membership fee but, this will be very quickly justified when comparing the club’s bar prices with those of most public houses.
The KHIST board wishes to thank the Social Club’s Committee for their positive response to our request for assistance. We do, however, wish to make it quite clear that, whilst decisions are made at the sole discretion of our board, the purpose of the Trust is still the independent representation of members’ short and long term interests in the fortunes of Kidderminster Harriers Football Club.