KHIST communication with members
It’s most important that, as a members’ organisation, the Trust is able to communicate with the large number of Harriers’ supporters we’re proud to represent and, we make every effort to keep everyone as fully informed as possible. It’s come to our recent attention, however, that a small minority of members who would prefer to receive regular, emailed notifications of postings to this website, are not getting this service.
With the exception of the password protected, ‘members’ only area’, the site can, of course, be accessed by members and non-members alike, but we do offer to provide email notifications to those members who wish to opt in to this service.
Reasons for these ‘newsletters’ not being received can be:
- That the member has previously decided not to ‘opt in’ to the service.
- That we have not been provided with an email address.
- That we have been provided with an incorrect or outdated email address.
- That we have misread the email address provided on a membership application.
- That your membership has lapsed.
If you are, or a friend is, not receiving regular KHIST emailed notifications and would like to receive these, would you please either, contact a KHIST board member or send an email to, confirming (i) your full name, (ii) membership number (not essential), (iii) that you wish to opt in for ’newsletters’ and (iv) the email address you want us to use. We will then be pleased to arrange/reinstate notifications without delay.
You can also change your personal profile online, if you prefer to use that facility.