KHIST Members’ Monthly Draw

Having received confirmations of intent from a good number of members we are now in a position to proceed and, the decision has been taken for the first draw of the new competition to be held during the KHIST AGM on 14th September. In the meantime we will be accepting entries from as many members who wish to join in.

As previously mentioned:-
 Participants must be aged 18 years or over.

 Entries will be primarily by monthly standing order, but advance payments (minimum 3 months) by cheque or cash will be accepted if offered.

 Single entries will be at £5.00, with no limit to the number of entries per member.

 In the event that a winning number is drawn for a member whose entry is invalid through non-payment, there will be a rollover to the following month.

 We have yet to determine the amount of the cash prize (or prizes} as decisions will depend on the overall value of entries received. Pay-outs will not, however, be less than one third of receipts (after nominal expenses) and these will be regularly reviewed, as take-up increases over the first few months of the competition. Details will be announced in advance of the AGM.

Members are requested to follow

this link

to confirm their interest and the number of monthly entries they wish to make. A Standing Order Mandate (including the appropriate entry numbers/references) will then be issued for you to complete and send to your bank.
Alternatively speak to one of our KHIST board members for assistance.

We very much hope that supporters will enjoy the new competition, whilst enabling us to raise essential funds and, although the draw has necessarily been restricted to KHIST members, you can easily arrange to join the Trust, either via this website or by contacting a board member.

Good luck !