Dear Members its that time again, the start of a new season. And what a great start by the team. They are looking great and sharp and in great shape, the defence is holding up well. I hope that this is the start of great times ahead, good luck to the team.
It is also time to renew or join KHiST memberships, these can be done either at the North Stand with Martin Lewis and the East Stand with Belinda Banner. This also can be done online through the KHiST website, or through any other KHiST board member, Dave Williams, Ian Nash, Dave Mole, Ian Hill, Adrian Sewell and Mike Peplow (soupy) of course there is also our Chairman Geoff Coles, Board Secretary Martin Lewis, Treasurer Leighton Pickett and my self Belinda Banner Membership secretary. There is always an option to do this online through the KHiST website, (please remember to forward it on after you have paid so that I can process the form)
So please can I ask you all to ask family and friends and neighbours to join KHiST, its still a great price of £1 and 50p for children, and for every £1 paid it goes to Khist which in turn help the club. As you may have read lately, they need all our help. Every little helps.