Players join membership surge.

Various, well-publicised, successful campaigns and events were organised by the Trust during 2014, with massive assistance from our dedicated members and supporters. Not least, these included securing the appointment of 2 KHIST board members as KHFC Directors, a significantly increased shareholding in the club and the incredible rise in the popularity of the KHIST 2020 Lottery following its recent re-launch. These successes have enabled the Trust to gain invaluable publicity.

Recognition of these successes and our ongoing financial support for the club has encouraged considerable interest in the Trust’s activities and we are delighted to have recently recorded a dramatic increase in KHIST membership. The photograph shown below is of Gary, Mark, Josh and the players, with Ian Nash, following the enrolment of the whole squad as members.

Harriersc squad join KHIST


There’s strength in numbers! We are therefore, taking the opportunity to encourage as many fans who are not yet members, to sign up without delay. Only with strong support from the Aggborough faithful can the Trust progress its ambitions on supporters’ behalf.

Adult membership costs just £1.00. You can sign up online here or, on match days, at one of the KHIST tables at the ground. We hope to have a new, highly visible, membership /lottery table (courtesy of Wombourne Service Ltd) , located inside the home end turnstiles, in time for the Eastleigh match.