Do you shop online? Raise funds for KHIST whilst you do!

Did you know there’s a great way you can raise vital funds for KHIST whilst you do you shopping online?

The way this works is simple – if you shop at any of over 2,000 online stores that are affiliated with our easyfundraising, as long as you visit our easyfundraising page before you purchase your items, you will raise money for KHIST.  This is done as the retailers pay us a fee for us referring you to them – either a fixed amount or a percentage of your total value!

From DVD’s to video games, credit cards to bank accounts, insurances to holiday providers – the chances are you’ll find the retailer or product you’re after and at the best price through the KHIST easyfundraising store!

What’s more, easyfundraising have now produced a toolbar for Internet Explorer and Firefox web browsers, which will give you a friendly reminder and a quick link to reload that shop page and raise funds for KHIST during your visit – easy!  Click here for more details on this really useful toolbar.

It really is simple as that, so make sure you download that toolbar above and visit the KHIST easyfundraising storefront to raise funds for KHIST whilst getting your Christmas gifts at the best prices at today!