Financial equality for all participants in F​.​A. Cup

David Sutheran started this petition to Jill Mortimer (m.p. for Hartlepool)

This is not right, non Premier League teams lose £4625 out of the share of F.A. match gate money, due to splitting of cost of V.A.R. for participating clubs – terrible for smaller teams.

Quote from league as follows – F.A. spokesperson said in a statement: “All ties hosted at Premier League stadiums in the 2021/22 Emirates FA Cup will have video assistant referees as only Premier League grounds are currently licenced to use VAR technology. Its cost of £9,250 is a match expense, and is therefore shared equally by the competing clubs from gate receipts.” This is not fair as E.F.L. and other lower league teams with home fixtures do not have V.A.R. at their grounds. V.A.R. should be abolished for all F.A. Cup & League Cup matches. Here is the link to the Chesterfield chairmans interview.

Link to the article

Link to petition

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