Membership Matters – home matches

As usual, our volunteers will be manning the KHIST tables, inside the North Stand turnstiles (also convenient to the Main Stand entrance) and at the home end of the East Stand, prior to our home matches with Farsley Celtic and Kings Lynn Town.

• If you are one of those members who have yet to renew, or a prospective new member, would you please take the opportunity of registering/ re-registering your membership ? Nominal membership fees are : for 1 year (£1), 5 years (£4) or 10 years (£7). We are undoubtedly stronger together and KHIST welcomes all KHFC supporters.

• We would remind you that the 2nd KHIST Members’ Draw is to take place on Friday evening and that we are now accepting £5 entries (no limit to the number of entries) for the November draw and beyond. Conditions can be found as a featured item on this website.

• We will have a new supply of our popular KHIST pin badges available in return for donations (min. £3). It’s intended that these will shortly be on sale at £5 from the KHIST online shop.

• Copies of KHIST newsletter – Issue 19 – will be distributed near to the turnstiles . These are of particular interest to anyone who does not have regular access to our website, so please take a copy for a friend.