Membership renewals
This exercise, which involves significant pressures on the board and other volunteers, would usually be commenced from 1st August. However, commitments relating primarily to the recovery of their businesses from Covid-19, have left our board members with unusual and unavoidable problems. These necessitate significant (if temporary) reductions in their personal commitments to the Trust. It’s therefore impractical for the exercise to be commenced for an indefinite period. In these circumstances it’s been decided that (i) all KHIST memberships will be extended, without charge, for 1 year and that (ii) all new memberships will be automatically extended for 12 months beyond the period for which payment is received.
We are asking that, where possible, supporters wishing to join KHIST as new members should use the online facility at
This is convenient and will save the costs of administration. Applications by email ( or personal contact with a board member will however, continue to be processed with the minimum of delay.
This decision will involve a significant loss of income to the Trust, which we’ll need to replace, as a minimum. We are reliant on our members for financial support and, whilst personal donations are always welcomed and put to good use, it’s important for the future of the Trust that our members give their regular support to the monthly members’ draw. This was organised at members’ request, to provide a fun way of raising funds, and offering cash prizes. The draw is moderately successful but a boost in support from more of our many loyal members would make a real difference to the Trust’s coffers and also enable us to increase the cash prizes.