New KHIST Board Member

We would like to welcome local businessman and committed Harriers’ fan, Warwick Nash, who was co-opted to the KHIST board at the end of yesterday’s board meeting. He takes up the role with immediate effect and has put himself forward for election at the Annual General Meeting on 14th September. His nomination has been proposed by board members Stuart Walstrom and Ian Nash.

Warwick’s business, ‘Delph Garage’ based in Station Road, Old Hill, is very supportive of the Trust and was one of the first to sign up when we re-introduced KHIST Corporate Membership, last year. It’s an independent dealership offering the personal touch and Warwick will be more than happy to help with members’ and supporters’ requirements.

After attending, and participating in the meeting as our guest, Warwick had little hesitation in accepting our invitation to join the board. He remarked “I’m passionate about the club and just want to help”. He’s known to Harriers’ supporters as a guy who gets involved and, we’re confident that he’ll add strength to our team and make a positive difference.

Welcome to the KHIST board, Warwick.