Ask KHIST Launched
Here at KHIST we are constantly striving to assist our members. We have noted a spike in communication from KHIST members and even non members over the last few months with questions and queries in relation to our football club .
With this in mind, and after discussion and ratification at our April board meeting we are delighted to announce theĀ launch of ‘ Ask KHIST ‘ – this will be a unique portal where our members can ask questions that we will gladly take and send over to the football club on a bi – monthly basis.
Please feel free to send over any questions that you are seeking answers to and we will be happy to assist.
Warwick Nash will confirm our designated contact at the football club once we know who to address our questions to.
We look forward to hearing from you!!
Questions can be submitted by emailing or by accessing the link Ask KHIST on the menu bar above.
Warwick Nash – KHIST Head of Communications