Charity Challenges – Snowdon

KHIST board members Dave Pountney and Dave Lewis joined forces on Saturday, to tackle the latest leg in their respective charity sponsorship programmes. This time it was the rugged heights of Snowdon that presented the challenges.

On their return to Kidderminster, the Trust received a brief report on the day’s efforts, as follows:-

“We had a really good day. Having started walking at 5.46am, we were at the top of the mountain about 3 hours later, needing a short rest. We then made the descent to the car park at the base of the mountain, which we reached by midday. At that stage, we had already walked some 7.7 miles.

After an hour for lunch, we then did a second walk. We didn’t make the summit again but, did complete another 6.3 miles on the mountain.

All in all we had walked a total distance of 14 miles and a height gain of 3,300 ft, in 8.5 hours of walking”.

You can find Dave Pountney’s story and make a donation to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund at:

Dave Lewis’s chosen charity is the Birmingham Children’s Hospital. You can read his story and make a donation at:


Many thanks to everyone who has supported their appeals