KHIST Members Area – New Login Details

With the new KHIST membership year here, access to the Members Area on the KHIST website has now been updated to only those who have taken out a membership in this new year (1st September 2013 – 31st August 2014).

If you’ve yet to renew your membership (or take out one for the first time!), you can do so by clicking here!

All KHIST Members of this year should have received an automatic email from the KHIST Website, confirming what their password is (your username is your email address you registered with us).  Unfortunately some email servers have been known to block emails sent automatically from the KHIST website incorectly thinking they are spam.  So if you haven’t received an email from the KHIST website, please check your spam folder and if it’s still not there, please send an email to confirming your full name, address and email address and we will manually reply back with your password.

Please note, if you were a KHIST Member last year and have renewed, it does mean that your password has now changed.  We do apologise for the inconvience this causes – this is due to a combination of the limitations of the technology used for Members Area and time-constraints.

To access the KHIST Members Area, click here!

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